Saturday, August 1, 2009

Let the Orchard Begin!

July 25, 2009 - After using our new posthole digger to loosen up the dirt, we dug out five big holes for the fruit trees. My friend Holly Molly works at a tree farm and we got the deal of the century on five fruit trees. She and her husband Eric came with a big truck carrying the five trees and a skid steer in the morning, we've definitely got friends/experts in the right places. :) Eric deftly removed the trees from the truck, pronounced our holes 'perfect' and then we started placing the beauties. A Plum, two Apple Crisps, and a Pear went into the 'pool yard', creating additional barrier from the road and making a nice introduction from the arbor. The cherry tree was planted in the newly fenced backyard, eventually making a shady spot for Luca. When we were done we sat down to a well-deserved lunch - BBQ/Shredded chicken sandwiches, potato salad, and chocolate revel bars. We asked the trees to kindly GROW and give us some fruit. They are working on it.

Sweet! Our first harvest.

July 21, 2009 - We have been 'beebeesitting' some bees for our beekeeper friend Philbee and he came out the other day to check on the bees. Well, lo and behold, many of the bees were swarming on the outside of the hive. They have been very busy bringing in bloomers of pollen, and apparently had outdone themselves, almost filling the one level of the hive. Phil raced back home and brought back another level, removed the top of our hive and discovered an overflow of honey. He scraped the raw honey off onto a baking sheet, gently sweeping honey drunk bees off. Then he put the second level on, leaving the bees to settle into their new digs. Phil tells us that the first year of establishing a hive you don't usually collect honey, as they need it to winter over, so this excess was a true bonus. I will never forget Phil handing Steve a chunk of dripping raw honey fresh from the hive and the look of both wonder and ectasy that overtook my husband's face. Indeed, the honey was divine. We now know what our land tastes like from a bees perspective, that's very cool. Phil gave us half the honey that he collected, and we dole it out as if it were liquid gold, and indeed, it is.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

- We figured out where four of the fruit trees will go... the pool yard.

- My house is absolutely clean and more things hung up on the wall.

- Compost piles have been created.

- Thistles uprooted, and a overflowing wheelbarrow of weeds from the front yard

- More mulch spread around the front of the shop

- Garden weeded - some tomatoes and peppers are close, beans are taking off

- And saturday dinner at 'Henry's' in Loveland, a cool pub just bustling with activity. Loveland is just 12 minutes away!

-No rain as of yet, but dark clouds to the south and north.

- And tonight, we've got a date with the Tour de France in the cool basement with home-made pizza

Friday, July 10, 2009

Mmmmmm Friday!

Nothing like a work week winding down and a full weekend in front of you. We didn't get much rain this week, which is actually unusual given our amazing weeks of rain and severe thunderstorms every afternoon. Everyone around us is cutting and baling their hay. It looks just like it smells - greeeeen! The garden is morphing everyday - potatoes are starting to bloom and must be 2 foot tall. More and more tomatoes appear everyday, we have yet to see a red one yet, but very soon! I transplanted some raspberries from my friend Connie, and lo and behold a few of them are going to make it! I will be patient, but I surely can't wait until I have that first bite!!

Weeds - they get their own paragraph. I pick them everyday, sometimes by the handful, but mostly by the bushel load. Prolific. Constant. Big. Tenacious. Natural. As entitled, but not as appreciated.

Luca has been vigilant about chasing rabbits off, but still they've decided to stay and live here. I ponder what might happen if he actually gets one. He goes primal when he sees one. Steve and I are working out the details for an additional fence on the front yard as to minimize his trips across the road.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ahh, I love a weekend.

Most excellent party with neon clad girls and guys, swimming late into the night guided by glow sticks, warming up in hot tub, slip sliding away on Wildsplash. Good fun was had by all. Hannah was most excellently celebrated. Saturday highlighted with L and PP over for a beach day, complete with munchies, presents and margaritas! 'A good tan covers a lifetime of sins!' and a good rest for an afternoon can change everything! Family gathering on Sunday included another swim party with VB net, hamburgers from "Hanson Quality Beef' and a super good DQ ice cream cake. I love a summer weekend.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Weekend at the Farm

Luca says: This weekend we'll be chasing rabbits, digging in dirt, running like crazy in the sand, cruising through tall grass, napping under a tree, chillin in the basement, and guarding the place for my family.

Bright and Tight Party

Fun party theme dreamed up by Hannah and her friends to celebrate her 17th birthday, also her Golden Birthday - 17 on the 17th. Pool, wild splash, bright food (i.e., Skittles, Fruit...), a cake with questionable background and pasta. Bright Hannah, Bright Spot, Bright Party. Brilliant.